Authorities have uncovered a major international trafficking ring, rescuing three orangutans, a siamang, a white-handed gibbon, red pandas, and tamarins. This shocking discovery highlights the ongoing threat to endangered species from illegal trade.
WFFT at the World Branding Awards
Last month WFFT was honored to be recognized at the World Branding Forum’s World Branding Awards – Animalis Edition held in Vienna. This is the first year that the WBA’s has held a ceremony specifically for animal related brands. We were recognized along side three other wildlife conservation NGO’s, the Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation (Indonesia), The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust (Kenya), The Jane Goodall Institute (United States). WFFT was awarded “Brand of the Year 2017-2018 Animal Welfare – Rescue Services Thailand. WFFT’s Mr Tommy T was in attendance with his mother Janice to collect the award, at the Hofburg Palace, Vienna. WFFT would like to thank the judging panel and the World Branding Awards for the accolade.