It's time to take action—learn how you can help stop this exploitation and protect slow lorises from further harm.
The Unlikeliest of Friendships – Simon and Leonardo
Introducing one of the most unlikely interspecies friendships we have ever seen here at the WFFT Wildlife Rescue Centre, ‘Simon Cow-ell’ the domestic cow and Leonardo the African spurred tortoise (Centrochelys sulcata). Simon has been with us since February this year after being caught in vine, resulting in serious injuries, while out crazing with his mother. Part of one of his hind legs had fallen off due to this injury, see his story here, Leonardo was rescued from a Bangkok zoo in 2013, after closure of the zoo.
Simon has caught the hearts of many of us here at WFFT with his sweat personality and playful nature. We decided to house him in temporarily in a large open field enclosure within the WFFT Rescue Centre were he could recover from his ordeal, we had then planned to move him into a field were we house two other rescued cows. To the surprise of us all Simon the cow has formed a strong bond with the large tortoise, Leonardo. They are often seen following each other around, sharing meals and resting together. We hope this unusual friendship continues to flourish.