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WFFT panorama photo

Have a look around WFFT now!

Supported by Little Planet ( we are now mapping the complete WFFT projects with panoramic photographs, so future volunteers and visitors can see what to expect when arriving at WFFT. At the same time volunteers and donors can see how many changes have been implemented over the years!


[pano file=”” preview=”×419.jpg” width=”695″ height=”284″ title=”WFFT panorama view”]

Use your mouse to look around, go left, right, up, down or zoom in and out! The loading of the photos can take a bit of time on a slow connection…

Here under a view from a bit lower height:

[pano file=”” preview=”×419.jpg” width=”695″ height=”284″ title=”WFFT panorama view”]

A preview of our ongoing investigations on illegal wildlife trade in South-east Asia!

[pano file=”” preview=”” width=”695″ height=”284″ title=”WFFT panorama view”]

Thank you for your continuous support of WFFT


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Wildlife Friends Foundation Thailand needs your help! Connect with us and share our stories. If you are in Thailand find out how you can help. Come visit us and get involved.

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