WFFT's first-ever sugar glider: discover the devastating impact the wildlife trade is having on these incredible creatures
Ostrich moves out of Bangkok
It came to our attention that a male ostrich had been abandoned in a Bangkok house after the owner had moved out.
The neighbors had been feeding it over the wall every day, and for months had been trying to find a new home for him.
The Wildlife Rescue Center was soon asked to move in and rescue “Ta Toh”, whose name means “big eyes”, in cooperation with the Thai Animal Guardians Association of Bangkok. We rescued Ta Toh from the house and then transported him by truck to Petchaburi, thanks to great assistance from the Dusit Zoo animal keepers.
[vsw id=”5wim9Pi2pnE” source=”youtube” width=”425″ height=”344″ autoplay=”no”]The trip of the ostrich on the back of the 6 wheel truck made peoples’ heads turn, and was a point of laughter on the National TV news.