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Injured Calf Arrives for Urgent Treatment

Two days ago we received a call for help about an injured calf. The little calf was badly injured after an adult cow stood on one of her front legs, during which she sustained a fracture. The owner tried to fix it with a cast, but it stopped the blood circulation and the leg became severely infected. We have named her Petal. The leg will need to be amputated once Petal has settled in and the infection is under control.

She is only 2 months old and should still be drinking her mother’s milk but her mother had to stay with the rest of herd. Little Petal could not keep up with the herd and was often being trampled. She is now under intensive care at the WFFT Hospital and will need to be bottle feed for a few months. We are hopeful that she will recover.

Petal will eventually be introduced to Simon, our other 3 leg cow. We will keep you updated on her progress.


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