WFFT's first-ever sugar glider: discover the devastating impact the wildlife trade is having on these incredible creatures
Black Baza rescued after poisoning on migration route
Last Saturday on the way to work a member of the WFFT team came across an injured bird. The bird was brought into the WFFT wildlife hospital and was promptly identified as a black baza (Aviceda leuphotes), a small bird of prey. It was found along the roadside without the ability to fully close his beak and a lack of balance. The WFFT vet team believes that he digested something poisonous as he has wounds on his tongue as well as difficulties properly closing his beak and his inability flight. They attended to his wounds, gave medicines for his tongue and to dilute the poisonous substance he has ingested. The bird will be given some time to rest and recuperate, and we are pleased the bird is now able to stand fully alone and close his beak. These birds follow a migration pattern at this time of year; we hope he will make a full recovery ready to continue with the rest of his long journey from Northern Asia all the way through to Indonesia.