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Asian Mountain Tortoise Brought into Rescue Centre
An Asian Mountain Tortoise, (Manouria emys), has recently taken up residence at the rescue centre. He was brought to the centre by his misguided capture who had ‘found’ him in the mountains of Petchaburi. The man took the tortoise home to keep as a pet and finally realised that he was unable to provide suitable care for him. The tortoise will spend a short time at the centre to recuperate and then will be released back to the wild.
The Asian Mountain Tortoise is listed by IUCN as an Endangered Species. The thigh scales of this species of tortoise are so pronounced that it is sometimes referred to as the “six-legged” or “six-footed” tortoise. The Asian Mountain Tortoise is believed to be one of the most primitive species of tortoise. The tortoise we have at the centre will spend a short time here to recuperate and then will released back to the wild.