WFFT's first-ever sugar glider: discover the devastating impact the wildlife trade is having on these incredible creatures
Animal welfare bill for Thailand needed!
Thailand needs animal protection laws NOW!
On August 5th, 2014 WFFT joined several other Thai animal welfare and conservation NGO’s in handing over a law proposal or “Thailand Animal Welfare Law”. Some of the other NGO’s involved were “Thai Animal Guardian Association”, “Love Wildlife”, “Bangkok Streetdogs”, the “Lopburi Monkey Foundation”, “A Voice for Animals” and many others. Thailand is one of the few countries were animal welfare laws are not existing and there are no laws to stop animal suffering or torture.
The proposed law was the second proposal as another law supported by the TSPCA, Soi Dogs and WatchDog Thailand (a group on Facebook) handed over last week excluded several animals, such as animals raised for consumption (including dog trade), all wild animals (including private owned and those in zoos) and even captive elephants that roam the streets or work in tourist camps.
The NGo’s that joined hands yesterday are agreeing that ALL ANIMALS should find protection against exploitation, suffering and torture under the first Thai Animal Welfare Law. We hope the other NGO’s will soon agree and join our push for a decent law covering ALL ANIMALS.