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Melee over wildlife issue gathers steam / WFFT replies!

Melee over wildlife issue gathers steam Bangkokpost 22-03-2012 (under the article Edwin replies to the untruths and accusations) UPDATE: My reply printed in the Bangkok post on Friday 23-03-2012…

Wildlife law enforcement and double standards

By Edwin Wiek – WFFT March 15, 2012 A notorious wildlife trader was busted by the Natural Resources and Environmental Crime Division (NRECD) and Department of National Parks (DNP) in…

Recent attacks on NGO’s in Thailand

Over the last few days several NGO’s have been raided, some might say attacked, by government officials looking for irregularities on ownership and registration of captive elephants and rescued wildlife,…

Thai elephants being killed for tourist dollars

Edwin Wiek Special to The Nation (story printed in The Nation on Tuesday 24 January 2012) News on elephants in Thailand since the start of this year has been…

MEOW! A tiger undergoing an MRI scan

Care for the wild sponsors Meows further treatment! Our Tiger, Meow, was rescued in 2001 by WFFT (Wildlife Friends Foundation Thailand), from a gas-station in Central Thailand. Meow was kept…

WFFT – Looking for Volunteer Co-ordinator

After almost 3 years working at WFFT as volunteer coordinator, Tommy Taylor has decided to move on looking for a further career in wildlife conservation. Tommy has made a great…

What is the role of ASEAN-WEN?

  Special to The Nation Published 24 July, 2011 Dear Sir(s), Madam, On behalf of the Wildlife Friends Foundation Thailand (WFFT) I would like to express my deepest concern about…

See Puak the Elephant Rescued

Late last night, female elephant See Puak finally arrived at the WFFT Elephant Refuge & Education Centre, after a 12 hour drive from the elephant camp in Surin which she…

Dodo & Dee Na Together at Christmas

Dodo & Dee Na Together at Christmas Back in May 2009, Dodo the male Malayan Sun Bear came to WFFT after being rescued from a pig farm in Ratchaburi. He…

All Change For The Ellies!

Soy Thong It was all change for the elephants yesterday at the WFFT Elephant Refuge and Education Centre (EREC), as paddocks and enclosures were rotated and elephants were paired up…

New Malayan Sun Bear Handed Over to WFFT

On Tuesday 23rd February, a 3 month old Malayan Sun Bear arrived at the WFFT wildlife hospital. She was handed in by her owner, a farmer, who stated that he…

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