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Say hello to Toby the Terrapin!

NEW ARRIVAL! Toby, a red-eared terrapin, was originally kept as a pet but has now been surrendered to WFFT. While we don’t support keeping wildlife as pets, we’re grateful his owners chose to provide him with a more suitable home where he can thrive in an environment that mimics his natural habitat.

Red-eared terrapins are among the most commonly kept and invasive turtle species. Released into the wild, they can outcompete native turtles for resources, spread disease, and disrupt ecosystems. That’s why it’s crucial to never release non-native species into the wild—always seek out a rescue centre instead.

For Toby, WFFT is the safest and best place to live out his life. His story reminds us that wildlife belongs in the wild, in its native habitat.

Welcome to your new home, Toby!


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