It's time to take action—learn how you can help stop this exploitation and protect slow lorises from further harm.
Ursula’s Miracle!
Last month we told you the story of a young female long-tailed macaque who had been hit by a car (…/yesterdays-emergency-case-macaque-h…/). We named her Ursula.
What happened to little Ursula is a real miracle. Very soon after her arrival she fell into a coma, the WFFT Wildlife Hospital Vet Team rallied around to try and help her recover. Her chances of survival seemed very low. But she managed to pull through the coma! Unfortunately, when she woke she had brain damage.
The vet team worked tirelessly to assist her recovery, they even had to force feed her to keep her alive and to give her a chance to regain some strength. Sometimes life brings us some pretty big surprises. Ursula recovered – perfectly conscious, aware of her environment, fully capable to eat by herself, she was back on track!
Her release yesterday was special and a great achievement of the WFFT Vet Team. The resilience of long-tailed macaques never ceases to amaze us. Run wild little one – stay strong, stay safe, and stay free!