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Urgent help needed for new macaque rescue

URGENT help needed for Wassana. We need your kindness to give this ex-pet a happy ever after.

Wassana was chained to a fence and paced up and down a plank of wood. She has developed unnatural behaviours, because of her unnatural life. She has bald patches where she has plucked her fur out as a result of stress and boredom.

Thankfully, after 10 years of living in a cage, this beautiful northern pig-tailed macaque is now at WFFT, and getting the veterinary attention and care she needs. But she needs your help!

Can you please help us give her a better life? We are full of recently rescued animals. We will need at least $2,000 to help Wassana. She needs her own space, veterinary treatment and loving daily care. After assessing her health and behaviour, we hope we can introduce Wassana to some new macaque friends. We also urgently need funds to build new macaques fields for integrated rescued troops to live out their days in the most natural environment possible.

We have a long waiting list of animals in need of rescue. But without enclosures and space, we simply cannot rescue more. Each animal like Wassana we take in is a life-long commitment for us. Please help us give her and more like her a home and a better future.

Northern pig-tailed macaque, Wassana
Northern pig-tailed macaque, Wassana
Northern pig-tailed macaque, Wassana
Northern pig-tailed macaque, Wassana

Anything raised in excess of the funds required for this campaign will be used to support WFFT’s work to help wildlife in south-east Asia.


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