Our team rescued a wild long-tailed macaque who had been struck by a car. He has severe injuries but our vets are doing everything possible
URGENT help needed for abused coconut monkey
ภาษาไทยด้านล่าง URGENT HELP NEEDED! We have run out of space. We need to raise $2,000 to give this new arrival who is a victim of terrible cruelty somewhere to go. Please give if you can. Any gift will help.
We need your urgent help to give this abused coconut monkey a future.
We deal with animal abuse on a daily basis. It is shocking how some people treat animals. This intelligent and handsome northern pig-tailed macaque has spent his life as a coconut monkey – trained to climb trees through sheer violence and fear. Then, when Maprao was no use any more, he was cast out to survive on his own – something a wild animal who has been kept on a chain his whole life, has no idea how to do.
Maprao has a severely broken arm. Perhaps he fell from a tree during a coconut picking session because he was so exhausted. He was found on a farm, confused and in a lot of pain. He still had a chain around his neck. After being beaten and abused his whole life, he is now, thankfully, at WFFT. But every male adult macaque we take in, like Maprao, needs his own enclosure and then, perhaps, he can be integrated with others in the future. We will need at least $2,000 to help Maprao.
Please help us heal him and then give him a home. We really cannot do it without you.
Anything raised in excess of the funds required for this campaign will be used to support WFFT’s work to help wildlife in south-east Asia.