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Some Old Fogies get a Second Chance

WFFT rescues and rehabilitates 100’s of primates each year, many of them are able to return home back to the wild, but sadly for many, this is not the case. We often rescue macaques that have been kept as pets for years and years, in some instances spending decades alone, these poor souls arrive as shells of their former selves. The rehabilitation of these highly intelligent, social primates can take months or years, some of them never recover from the traumas they have endured.

The monkeys you see in this collection of photos have all been given a second chance here at the WFFT Wildlife Rescue Centre after spending most of their lives in solitary confident, with no contact with conspecifics.

We provide a permanent refuge for the animals that cannot be released back the wild. Rescued macaques are housed in social groups in large open top field habitats. After going through a quarantine period, they are slowly reintroduced to their own species. We are in the process of establishing a group of geriatric macaques, Wan Jai, Rose and Jaw are all happily co-inhabiting a huge new field, after years of solitary confident, these old girls get some kind of ‘regular’ life again. No more chains or small iron cages for these oldies, let the retirement begin.

See the rescue stories below:

Joe –

Jaw –

Wan Jai –

Toey Toey – She was rescued 2013 after being kept as a pet for 6 years.

Rose – She was rescued all the way back in 2003 from a dog home in Bangkok. She has spent the previous 5 years in a 1m2 enclosure.

Nam Jai – Nam Jai was rescued in 2013 after being kept as a pet for over a decade.



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