Our team rescued a wild long-tailed macaque who had been struck by a car. He has severe injuries but our vets are doing everything possible
Monkey attacked with machette and nursed back to health
Long-Tailed Macaque at Khao Yoi, Petchaburi A male long-tailed or crab-eating macaque was attacked with a machette at the Khao Yoi Cave temple in Petchaburi province. While we received a call for help through our Facebook page villagers and monks at the temple also reported the monkey to authorities who asked WFFT to try and catch the monkey for treatment. Catching the monkey was done rapidly as we had just received a new dart pistol for anesthesia and the monkey was brought to the WFFT wildlife hospital.
Monkey found with injury taken in for treatment at WFFT
The cleaning of the wound, the stitching up and 10 day recovery went smoothly while the macaque showed little to no stress signs being locked up, he actually liked the large amount of fresh fruits and vegetables that he did not have to share with his group this time. The macaque was kept away from people at the quarantine center at WFFT.
After 10 days the monkey’s face had healed up nicely with no signs of an infection, all stitches nicely settled. The monkey is now ready to be released back to his group, where he has to fight again for his place in the hierarchy for access to food, the natural way monkeys live. As the monkey has been only away for less then two weeks we are sure he will adapt soon again to his group.
WFFT sees a rescue such as this one as the ideal and perfect rescue, an injured animals in need of help gets another chance in live, in the wild where they belong.