It's time to take action—learn how you can help stop this exploitation and protect slow lorises from further harm.
Loris rescues at WFFT still hard work
Slow Loris and Pygmee Loris as pets in Thailand
The only Loris rescue center in Thailand is run by WFFT. At our center we receive over a hundred lorises a year from all over the country and most are released back tot the wild within days, having small to medium injuries from electric shock or wild traps. Ever once and a while we receive young lorises with bigger problems, like this one called “pop eyes” who was kept as a pet in Bangkok and got wrong food for a long period of time, resulting in bone deficiency. “Pop eyes” can not be released back tot he wild as her arms and legs are deformed, but we will try to fix her up and give her a life as close to nature as possible.
Lorises of two species are found in the wild in Thailand, but the pet trade is rapidly declining the number of wild lorises. Most lorises are easily caught as they move slow and at night their eyes are easily seen with a flashlight. The law in Thailand is not seriously enforced and on the beaches of Phuket, Samui and Pattaya people walk around at night offering their illegally kept lorises for a photo-opportunity with tourist against payment.
WFFT has officially complained about this practice to Thai Police and the DNP on several occasions.
If you wish to help us with the protection and treatment of lorises you can donate to us by bank or through our Paypal account. WFFT does not get any sponsorship from the government or any other organisation (NGO) anywhere. Your help is very appreciated!