Our team rescued a wild long-tailed macaque who had been struck by a car. He has severe injuries but our vets are doing everything possible
Loris rescued after being stuck to trap for days
A call was received from the Royal Project in Hua-hin about an injured slow loris that had been brought in. The loris had been stuck to a trap and was severely injured, it was in urgent need of treatment.
Her right forearm had been badly injured and with the bones and tissue of the wrist joint exposed and the hand non-functional.
We decided to amputate the lower injured half of the limb and treated the animal with subcutaneous fluids and antibiotics.
The wound is now healing well and the loris doing fine but she will not be able to be released back to the wild in her injured state. Hopefully she will be able to manage in one of our loris enclosures at some point in the future.