It's time to take action—learn how you can help stop this exploitation and protect slow lorises from further harm.
It was sadly to late to save this long-tailed macaque
We received a call from the Petchaburi Livestock Department for assistance with an injured long-tailed macaque. A concerned monk had brought the injured macaque to the livestock dept. from Wat Khao Wang in Petchaburi for urgent veterinary treatment. Someone had shot this adult male macaque, the WFFT Rescue Team rushed to the aid of this macaque. Sadly he passed away before reaching the WFFT Wildlife Rescue Centre. We found numerous bullets in his body; it appears that he died from infections due to the bullet wounds. The concerned monks collected the macaque to take him back to the temple, to perform a ceremony and burry him. Human-wildlife conflict is increasing at an alarming rate here in Thailand, particularly with urban macaque populations.