Our team rescued a wild long-tailed macaque who had been struck by a car. He has severe injuries but our vets are doing everything possible
Banger the Banded Langur
A few days ago we welcomed a new species to the WFFT Wildlife Rescue Centre, an infant Banded langur (Presbytis femoralis). We received a call for help from a lady who had found this sick little infant monkey three days prior to contacting us. We were told he was found alone near a forested area in Southeast Thailand. However here in Thailand this species is only found in peninsular Thailand. This means this little one must have been dumped into the forest as he was hundreds of miles away from where his species may be found in the wild. Another sad victim of the illegal wildlife trade. The WFFT Rescue Team headed out on the long drive to collect this sickly little monkey.
Upon arrival back to the WFFT Rescue Centre he was in a very weak state so was given emergency treatment by the WFFT Vet Team. We have named him ‘Banger’. Banger has been with us for a few days now is is showing signs of improvement but is far from out of the woods. We will keep you posted on his progress.
This species is listed by the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species as Near Threatened (NT). Extensive habitat loss has taken place within the range of the species over the past few decades, twinned with hunting pressures, this species is now in decline. Deforestation and conversion of habitat appear to be the major threats to this species.