Our team rescued a wild long-tailed macaque who had been struck by a car. He has severe injuries but our vets are doing everything possible
3 Babies Become Friends
Recently rescued macaque juveniles, Mongkood, Fa Sai and Durian have recently been introduced to one another forming a mini macaque troop. These rescued orphans are happily once again forming bonds with members of the same species.
Once these guys are a little older they will be able to leave the ‘nursery group’ and join a troop of adult macaques in one of our large open fields.
See their rescue stories below –
Fa Sai www.wfft.org/primates/two-special-souls-saved-one-day/
Mongkood www.wfft.org/primates/rescued-tiny-baby-macaque-arrives-wfft/
Durian www.wfft.org/primates/durian-long-tailed-macaque-rescued/