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Is this the luckiest dog in the world?

Is this the luckiest dog in the world?

A few months ago a little old dog was found hiding in the bushes outside the WFFT Wildlife Rescue Centre. Our rescue centre is located in rural Thailand and is…

Finally, some Joy in her Life…

Finally, some Joy in her Life…

Recently the WFFT Team heard about an Asiatic Black Bear (Ursus thibetanus) in dire need of help. 'Joy' was being kept in a small cage in the garden of her…

A Big Step for Mali!

A Big Step for Mali!

Remember Mali, a female long-tailed macaque rescued last month (full story here:, well, after a stay in our quarantine area (where all of our residents make a temporary stay)…

Ooo arrives at WFFT

Ooo arrives at WFFT

A year and a half ago, a male long-tailed macaque (Macaca fascicularis) named Ooo (regarding the sounds he is making) was 'adopted' by a local family. They got Ooo after…

A New Home for Maggie & Chico

A New Home for Maggie & Chico

WFFT's rescued great apes Maggie and Chico are on the move 2018! Since their arrival in 2016 they have been going to forest school sessions in the Khao Luk Chang…

Rescuing Wildlife, the Harsh Reality…

Rescuing Wildlife, the Harsh Reality…

Recently the WFFT Wildlife Hospital Rescue Team were called by a local woman working at Khao Yoi Temple about a female long-tailed macaque who fell from a tree and could…

Gan Da wants to be part of the VIP herd!

We already know Poom Puang and Thong Ma’s friendship has blossomed. But it looks like someone try to get closer (slowly but surely). Indeed, Gan Da, who usually prefers to…

Wildlife Trade

Wildlife Trade

PRESS RELEASE On February 4th 2018 rangers of the Department of National Parks and Wildlife received intelligence that a group of poachers were active in the jungle of Thungyai Naresuan*…

Loridzillas strike at WFFT!

Loridzillas strike at WFFT!

A few days ago 2 new residents, Ling-Ling & La La arrived at the WFFT Wildlife Rescue Centre. These rather large Bengal slow lorises (Nycticebus bengalensis) were previously kept as…

Child’s Living Toy Rescued!

Child’s Living Toy Rescued!

On Monday afternoon we received a call about a baby Dusky Langur that had been found on a rubber plantation in the south of Thailand. Despite the prospect of a…

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