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World Otter Day 2024

Help us Spread the word – Otters are not Pets

Three of the four otter species native to Thailand are listed as either endangered or vulnerable.

Sadly, social media plays a significant role in exacerbating otter suffering by misleading individuals into thinking it is acceptable to keep them as pets.

What can you do to help otters?

  • Don’t like, comment or share on social media posts with pet otters
  • Don’t purchase products derived from animals
  • Don’t buy an otter as a pet!
  • Share to raise awareness and spread the message
  • Support sanctuaries like WFFT

World Otter Day 2024

Get Connected

Wildlife Friends Foundation Thailand needs your help! Connect with us and share our stories. If you are in Thailand find out how you can help. Come visit us and get involved.

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