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Help us save exploited wildlife from tiny cages and chains

Your kindness today can end animal suffering.

Right now, there are thousands of exploited and abused wild animals across Thailand. They are trapped in a nightmare. Bears, like Sia, are languishing for years on end in small cages in horrible zoos. Countless elephants, like Mee Chai, spend decades chained up all day long in trekking camps. Then, there are baby gibbons, like Nora, who are ripped away from their mothers and are passed around for selfies with ignorant tourists. They live cruel and miserable lives.

A donation from you today can save more desperate wild animals from these terrible existences.

Wildlife Friends Foundation Thailand (WFFT) cares for more than 700 rescued animals including elephants, monkeys, bears, otters, great apes, and many more. Most of them spent years, often decades, being exploited, abused and harmed for human gain. But here, they receive first-class medical care, spacious enclosures in the company of their fellow species and the dedicated care they urgently need to recover from their trauma. But we can only save more with your help.

There are so many more animals out there who are suffering. And they have no one except you to help them. Will you please give today to save more animals? 

Only together can we give more animals like Sia, Nora and Mee Chai, pictured below, a second chance in life.

The Wildlife Friends Foundation Thailand (WFFT) is a registered foundation under Thai law, Foundation No: T271/2545

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