Celebrating a whole year of Nam Chok. Still wearing her riding saddle on the day she was rescued, Nam Chok has now spent 365 days free of chains.
They are now at peace
We have again got some sad news. Joan was found dead in her paddock this morning. This came as a shock to all of the staff and volunteers here at WFFT.
Both Yuy and Joan were elderly elephants that spent most of their lives working. We were informed by the owners/mahouts of both elephants that they had been working prior to the rescue and that they were relatively healthy. When WFFT rescues elephants we can never be sure of their medical history. It seems that both of the elephants were very close to the end of their days. They are now at peace.
Thanks again to all the volunteers and supporters who have helped with the rescue of these two beautiful creatures. The money raised will be used to upgrade the current elephant enclosures at WFFT and for future elephant rescues.
Left side : Joan