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Can you help us Rescue these two Elephant Friends?

Can we give these Friends, Freedom Together Forever…?

We need your help once again to save some elephants from a life in chains. We have discovered two female elephants in need of rescue from a tourist camp here in Thailand.

Let us introduce you to Pum-Puang (Young Lady) who is approx. 40 years old and Thong-Ma (Gold Comes) who is approx. 50 years old. These two elephants are currently housed at an elephant tourist camp, working 7 days a week, giving rides to hundreds of tourists every day. Both elephants, up until 2 years ago had been used as logging elephants in Southern Thailand. Their bodies are littered with scars of their past.

Can you help us rescue these two elephant friends for Christmas…?

We have managed to secure the funds for one of these special ladies at our annual fundraiser last month but are still seeking funds to help both of the elephants instead of just one. We would like to keep these old friends together forever.

This is where the ladies will be living if we can rescue them

Will you help us free both of them from a life of hooks and chains…? Giving them some freedom after decades working for men. They will be able to act as elephants once again, no hooks, no chains and free from pain.

Thank you in advance for the help and support.

See how you can help us here —


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