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Boonmee, an elephant retires!

After 40 years of hard labor, retirement at last!

Boonmee is a 55 year elephant that was rescued and retired for life today! Boonmee has worked for a while in logging and over 25 years in the tourism industry and was until yesterday working at an elephant camp in Kanchanaburi province. Her rescue has been not too easy but she has finally arrived at WFFT last night and was immediately taken to the Elephant refuge at WFFT where she arrived late last night, welcomed by dozens of staff and volunteers. Today was her first day in retirement, a day that started with fresh green grass, juicy fruits and lots more food. Right after that a short swim in the lake and a walk into the WFFT and Kao Lookchang forest. Here some pictures, we will update a more detailed story ASAP! Thank you to Joan Pearson and all people that attended the fundraiser in Sydney, Australia last month!

Boonmee is under close watch by the veterinary team at WFFT and currently getting used to her new environment, she will soon meet the other old ladies at WFFT.

Thanks again to Joan Pearson and all people in Sydney!


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