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Education, Education, Education!

One of the most important aspects of wildlife conservation is education. Here at WFFT, we aim to raise awareness of the issues which face many of the species currently living at the WFFT Wildlife Rescue Centre and the Elephant Refuge and Education Centre (EREC), by educating both tourists and local people alike.

With this in mind, the team at WFFT have produced an array of new educational posters which are strategically placed around the Wildlife Rescue Centre. The posters, which are written in both English and Thai, not only help visitors and volunteers learn more about the different species and individual animals at WFFT in general, but also the conservation threats facing them.

From deforestation and habitat destruction, poaching, the illegal trade in wildlife as pets, the use of animals for entertainment in tourism and right through to their use in traditional Chinese medicines, the new education boards all help to raise much needed awareness of these important animal welfare and conservation issues.

So far the boards have been a big success with the public, and we’ve had many positive comments about them.

English versions of the educational posters can also be found on the WFFT website in the Education & Campaigns section, or at http://www.wfft/education/educational-teaching-resources/, and these are suitable for printing out as teaching aides in schools. Thai versions of these posters will be available shortly.


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