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Rescued hornbill released back to the wild

Billy the hornbill back to the forests!

After a few years living as a pet there is a happy ending for Billy the hornbill.

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Billy is a (southern pied) hornbill that was recently rescued by WFFT as it was kept as a pet in Bangkok. He was kept for a bit over 3 years and the owner felt it was too lonely (he knew they live in large groups in the wild) and so he looked for a center to rehabilitate and release his “pet”. WFFT was more than happy to take this task on to themselves.

After a few months of strengthening up in a large aviary and several medical check-ups, Billy was found fit to be released. We found a large group of the same species nearby our center and Billy was released upon hearing the flock of hornbills nearby. He hesitated a short while, but soon after release from the travel box he flew off right into the direction of the other hornbills, we can only hope the best for him now! Merry Christmas Billy and welcome back home!


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