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Helping bear Kaew and her friends to get a new home!

An Asiatic Black bear called “Kaew” made headline news early August 2017 after she attacked a drunk man who jumped into the cement pit she was kept in at a temple with over 100 wild pigs. “Kaew” was kept in this pit as a pet, but had grown into a very large overweight bear and was no longer allowed to roam around free. The drunk man had been teasing the bear for almost an hour and “Kaew” had enough of him and attacked him, bit him and dragged him into her night den. The man has survived the attack and is recovering from the ordeal, but Kaew has now been moved to a government wildlife breeding centre and is confined to a small cage without a chance to a better home without our help.

Link to the video of the attack in the temple (viewer discretion advised!)

While Kaew is being checked on her health at this centre we are looking into building a new home for her, and 12 other bears kept at this facility. The Wildlife Friends Foundation Thailand (WFFT) has in the past build several large open enclosures and currently cares in Thailand and Laos for 54 bears in total. We will not be able to take Kaew and her friends to one of our centres, in partnership with the Department of National Parks we are planning to build a new home for Kaew and her other 12 bear-friends at the Khao Koh Wildlife Breeding Centre in Petchabun, Thailand.

We are trying to find sponsors and donations to build 3 open enclosures of 800 square meters each to rehouse all bears, with 9 side enclosures for treatment and health-checks. The construction will take less than 2 months time, if we can raise the funds!

Will you help Kaew and her friends? Thank you for considering this!



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