One of our rescued Asiatic Black Bears, Ginny, was suffering with a 3rd eyelid protrusion and recently had surgery to bring her much-needed relief.
Health Check for Aging Malayan Sun Bear, Dodo
Dodo, our charming 24-year-old Malayan Sun Bear, recently underwent a health check to address his age-related ailments. Despite being one of our senior residents, we think Dodo is as handsome as ever!
During his check-up, our veterinary team carefully assessed his arthritis. Regular reviews of his medication ensure he receives the joint pain relief he needs to stay comfortable. Dodo also had his teeth cleaned and nails trimmed—essential for keeping him in the best condition possible.
Dodo’s story is one of both sadness and resilience. Rescued in 2009 after spending nine agonising years confined in a filthy, small cage on a pig farm, his life was once defined by neglect and suffering. Thankfully, for most of his life, Dodo has been safe with us at WFFT, thriving in our sanctuary alongside his best friend and companion, Deena.
Thanks to the kindness of WFFT supporters, Dodo now enjoys a life filled with care, companionship, and comfort. Together, we can ensure that more animals like Dodo get the second chance they so deserve.