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Releasing A Giant Asian Pond Turtle Back To The Wild

Baymax, a Giant Asian Pond Turtle, first came to WFFT after suffering terrible injuries when he was hit by a car. Our dedicated vet team nursed him back to health, and after a long rehabilitation period, his wounds healed, and he was ready to be released back into the wild. We are so glad that we could help Baymax and release him back into his natural habitat after everything he has been through.

Every critically endangered animal released back to the wild counts! This amazing species is on the brink of extinction due to hunting for consumption, the exotic pet trade, and habitat loss. Our goal, whenever possible, is to release wild animals back to nature. 

What can you do to help turtles? Slow down and watch out for wildlife while driving, and be mindful of animal residents when digging near or clearing water bodies—it might be their home!

Thank you to our supporters for enabling us to give Baymax the life-saving care and second chance he needed. 

Baymax's story

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