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Thank you for being a voice for animals
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Before you leave, please consider making a donation.

Your kindness will support our efforts to rescue more animals from cruelty and provide a better life to exploited, abused and injured wildlife in Thailand.

The WFFT sanctuary cares for more than 65 species, from primates and otters to tigers, elephants and leopards. Every single one deserves happiness, often after years of living in tiny cages. With no government funding, we are entirely reliant on donations to provide rescued wildlife with a second chance in life.

Right now, we are in urgent need of funds to rescue more primates from terrible abuse. Please give today and save wildlife in desperate need in Thailand.

Can you help spread the word? Encourage your friends and family to speak out for animals by sharing this campaign with them.

Get Connected

Wildlife Friends Foundation Thailand needs your help! Connect with us and share our stories. If you are in Thailand find out how you can help. Come visit us and get involved.

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