It's time to take action—learn how you can help stop this exploitation and protect slow lorises from further harm.
Jeng Jones The WFFT Menagerie
The WFFT recently got a call from the Kasetsart University In Hua Hin who wanted help with a young female Long Tailed Macaque that had been brought in for emergency surgery. Jeng, as she had been named, had been attacked by another macaque on the beach in Hua Hin. She had effectively been scalped in the attack.
Luckily the attack was witnessed by some kind locals who managed to catch her and take her to the university where she underwent emergency surgery. Upon awaking from the anaesthetic she quickly worked out how to open her cage and managed to create a lot of chaos and upheaval before being re captured. This is when the university decided to contact the WFFT Vet team.
Working with other institutions is important in the care of wildlife. Each has their own strengths and can help each other for the better care of animals. We actively try to foster good relations so that we can utilise the university facilities and in return we take on the responsibility for their wildlife patients.
The WFFT Vet team departed to Hua Hin as soon as she was fit to be moved and brought her back to the hospital where her wounds can be treated daily . The locals who rescued her were at the hospital to meet the team and presented them with a generous donation towards her future care. Sometimes your faith in humanity is restored.
Jeng is very feisty for her diminutive size but we hope that strength will help in her healing process. Given the severity of her attach we are not sure if we will be able to return her to her troop. This will depend on the speed of healing and her strength of character. For the moment we will do our best to get her back to full fitness and keep our options open for her future. Good luck little lady and hope you’re good looks have not been spoiled.